Friday, February 28, 2014 MVC 5 Application Lifecycle

A great diagram for MVC developers, both in Macro & Micro views.

A high-level view of the MVC application lifecycle, where you can understand the major stages that every MVC application passes through in the request processing pipeline. And a detail view shows details of request processing pipeline.

Having another look at the lifecycle, couple of aha moments:
-          BeginExecute Method runs before Controller.Initialize method
-          AuthenticationFilters are executed before and after action method
-           ActionFilters are the closest methods to the action method
-          Async action methods may be invoked in a different worker thread

Friday, February 21, 2014

PHP or

Recently, a friend of mine asked me a mind blowing question.
   Over a decade development in Microsoft world,Well ... nice. But why did you pick that wagon early on your career?

I just replied with fair few things and I tried my best to convince him that was the only game in the town.
However, I found it interesting to see what the key factors would be for other developers. A little googling, and I was fascinated by the result.

These two resonated with me a lot:
Rob Conery: I Had a choice, PHP or .Net
Darcy : It was 2001 and I had a decision to make