Saturday, February 27, 2010

Default Architecture and its flaws...

   Last night I had a hot discussion with my boss (Reza) about the new project I started to work on. Before anything else, I believe criticizing somebody's code is not challenging his character and I'm sure Reza takes this into consideration.

   In short, Our application (DrCephal) is a win-based dashboard interface. Mostly big shot users can monitor/setup some factors in their organization. It is based on Ms-Analysis Service and its database back-end is supposed to be MS-SQL Server. Of course it is truly database-agnostic and it can be replaced by any RDBMS systems. XML is playing a role when saving and loading dashboards come into picture.

   Now, The challenge was the suitable object model that provides best performance when the user browses data and saves data. we came up with two ideas: one is CQRS, the other one is separating each service into its own project.

   Reza is into the idea of putting services into their own projects. He wanted better isolation either in development side and deployment later.

   On the other hand, I can see most our company's projects have the same architecture but they are a lot different in domain and functionality. So, I don't bring new, flashy architecture into the project just because lots of techie people are talking the days. I believe two concepts (Save & Get) here can be totally separated.

   I hope we can get into the best conclusion.

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