Friday, January 28, 2011

FubuMVC - Why MVC has been available for .Net developers for over three years. Despite all the good changes, we've seen through CTP (Beta) versions till now, It has not become mainstream in Microsoft and to be honest it could not grab new developers to .Net world as easy as Ruby did the same during last year. On the other side, Microsoft still heavily promotes his/her developers to provide webform solutions on the web. These are all  the reasons I personally believe mvc has been faced through out these years.

I have had a look at MVC since its early CTPs and I have done two different projects by that. However, some architectural limitations led me into very bad software practices. Violating SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) & OCP(Open-Closed Principle) to name a few.   
While I was working around how to best overcome some design points, I have come across a new open-source project (FubuMVC [For US By US MVC]) which supervised by Jeremmy Miller.( Also Author famous IOC container StructureMap)

Technically speaking, all design limitations in mvc were removed and the project was inspired by Ruby language( convention over configuration). I forked the project and after some days I could write some webpages based on that framework.
Till now, one the problems with this project is poor documentation. Although some new wiki sites have been built to help new developers the whole idea better.

Although most of the contributors to this projects are advanced developers, I actually want to explore more into this framework and will share my understanding to others.

I hope I will write a new web application by this front-end framework soon.

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